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New Delhi

July 28, 2020BY VSN Immigration

On July 23, the latest data from IRCC showed that in the second quarter of 2020, the number of study permits issued by Canada was only 49,595, a year-over-year decrease of 40.54%. Canadian media worried that the declining number of international students will lead to a lower Canadian GDP, reduced employment opportunities and a reduced volume of real estate transactions. IRCC confirmed that the current situation of the sharp decline in the number of study permits will continue at least until the end of the third quarter. If the pandemic cannot be controlled, the status quo will be maintained throughout 2020. Following the sharp drop in the number of new Canadian immigrants by two-thirds, the number of Canadian international students will also see a drop. Among the major immigration countries in the world, Canada is a country where it is easier for international students to become permanent residents after graduation. Therefore, international students who choose to study in Canada have a high probability of becoming Canadian permanent residents.

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