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New Delhi

September 10, 2020BY VSN Immigration

Ontario to introduce Expression of Interest system for OINP

On September 8, 2020, the government of Ontario announced the plans to introduce the Expression of Interest system for several streams of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). The EOI system will serve the Employer Job Offer Category (Foreign Worker; International Student, and In-Demand Skills streams); Masters Graduate Category; and Ph.D. Graduate Category. All these streams are usually opened for a short time, but all the spots are taken within minutes, causing chaos and criticism towards the OINP. The EOI system may eliminate those problems and help organize the intake process based on the points system and ITA issuance for each stream. These amendments to the Ontario Immigration Act are now posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public consultation until October 23, 2020. Ontario plans to determine suitable points grid and factors to be considered (education, language, work experience etc.).

#Ontario, #OINP, #PNP, #Employer_Job_Offer, #international_students, #Occupations_in_demand, #skilled_workers, #Masters_graduates, #PhD_graduates

British Columbia invited another 67 Tech Pilot candidates

On September 8, 2020, British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) held a new Tech Pilot draw. In this round, BC issued 72 invitations to apply for the nomination of British Columbia in four categories: Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker, Skills Immigration – International Graduate, Express Entry British Columbia – Skilled Worker, and Express Entry British Columbia – International Graduate. All candidates scored 80 points of higher in the Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS). In 2020, British Columbia invited 1,572 Tech Pilot candidates. In total, BC distributed 6,069 ITAs this year.

#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #Tech_Pilot, #PNP

Canada’s post-secondary institutions can have a loss of several billion dollars

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the number of international students registered at Canada’s universities and post-secondary colleges this year has dropped drastically, causing a loss of several billion dollars to these institutions. According to federal figures, foreign students contribute nearly $22 billion a year to Canada’s economy. Colleges and Institutes Canada President Denise Amyot said initial estimates show that the above-mentioned situation could cost Canadian universities and colleges a loss of between $1.8 billion and $3.5 billion as of now. The Canadian government recently made some changes, such as allowing international students to take remote classes. Universities said it helps little and urged the federal government to provide funds to help Canadian universities.

#international_students, #study_in_Canada, #COVID_19

Many people have misunderstood the “job offer”

Recently, the Canadian government announced a new policy that allows visitors who came to Canada before August 24, 2020, and have a qualifying job offer to apply for a work permit. However, many people have misunderstood the “job offer”. Some visitors think if a Canadian employer has extended a job offer on a simple piece of paper, it will make them qualify to apply for a work permit. They must note that they are required to have an LMIA based job offer, not just a simple job offer. They must also have valid status in Canada as a visitor on August 24, 2020, to apply for a work permit without leaving Canada.

#TRV, #work_permit, #visitor_visa, #work_in_Canada, #LMIA