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New Delhi

September 24, 2021BY VSN Immigration

The National Occupational Classification will undergo a revision

The National Occupational Classification (NOC) undergoes a major structural revision every ten years. The new NOC 2021 will be the product that reflects changes in the economy and involves in-depth research, analysis, and assessment. The new NOC 2021 will include structural changes and reorganization of certain groups across broad occupational categories and Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) categories. In addition, the NOC 2021 will also overhaul the current four-category NOC “Skill level” structure by introducing a new six-category system, adopt a five-tiered hierarchical arrangement of occupational groups. Additionally, ESDC and Statistics Canada will introduce a brand new five-digit codification system that will replace the current four-digit NOC codes.

#ESDC, #NOC, #TEER, #National_Occupational_Classification

Canada sends invitations to sponsor parents and grandparents

The Government of Canada began sending invitations to potential candidates who want to sponsor their parents and grandparents and submitted an Interest to Sponsor forms in the fall of 2020. Applicants are encouraged to check their email account, as invitations to apply (ITAs) will be sent via email. Applicants who receive ITAs will have to submit their application within 60 days by using Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) new Permanent Residence Portal. Those who cannot apply online must request the paper version of the application package by October 21, 2021. This year, IRCC will accept a record number of up to 30,000 applications under the Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program.

#Family_immigration, #parents_sponsorship, #PGP, #Parental_sponsorship #Parents_and_Grandparents_sponsorship

Visits to guarantee the welfare of Mexican agricultural workers in Ontario

The Mexican Consulate continued with its program of visits to agricultural establishments participating in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). Farms were visited in Newcastle and Pickering in Ontario, where the consular representatives spoke with Mexican labourers about their labour rights, working conditions and access to social security. In addition, preventative protection measures were implemented. Mexican seasonal agricultural workers are essential in the Canadian agricultural supply chain and food security. The agreement for the SAWP was signed in 1974 between Mexico and Canada, and it has involved the temporary mobilization of almost 450,000 Mexican labourers to Canadian territory. Consul General Porfirio Thierry Muñoz Ledo paid a visit to a community vaccination centre on August 15 that is open to all foreign nationals, regardless of their immigration status. Mexicans in the Greater Toronto Area have taken advantage of the initiative of Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão to facilitate access to the free Ontario vaccination program, with support from the Latin American COVID-19 Task Force.

#Mexico, #SAWP, #Agriculture, #TFWP, #work_in_Canada, #seasonal_workers

Service Canada updated processing times for LMIA applications

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has updated the processing times for the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications under various streams. Based on statistics from all processing centres, the current average LMIA processing times increased for all streams except the PR stream:

  • Global Talent Stream – 9 business days (1 day more)
  • Agricultural stream – 16 business days (3 days more)
  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program – 8 business days (1 day more)
  • Permanent residence stream – 16 business days (1 day less)
  • In-home caregivers – 15 business days (2 days more)
  • High-wage stream – 34 business days (1 day more)
  • Low-wage stream – 31 business days (2 days more)

This data still does not reflect the consequences of the LMIA online portal being down for one month.

#ESDC, #Service_Canada, #LMIA #TFWP, #Work_permit, #agricultural_workers, #caregivers