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New Delhi

October 1, 2021BY VSN Immigration

700,000 skilled Canadians will retire by 2028

The Royal Bank report shows that 700,000 skilled workers are expected to retire in Canada by 2028. Inability to replace them may trigger a crisis of shortage of skilled workers. For a long time, skilled workers have been regarded as “blue-collar” jobs, requiring a lot of manual labour and heavy work. However, with appropriate health and safety standards, the median income of these types of jobs may reach between $80,000 and $100,000, or even more. According to the report, the technical field failed to attract minorities and women to enter. In addition, the author believes that Canada cannot bring 3,000 skilled workers through immigration every year, and only 2,365 new immigrants meet the requirements of the federal technology industry category.

#skilled_workers, #demography, #retirement, #labour_force

Canada receives direct passenger flights from India

Canada received the first direct Air Canada flight from India after the Government lifted the travel ban on direct flights from India that were in place from April 22, 2021. According to Mark Galardo, Air Canada’s senior vice president of network planning and revenue management, ‘people are eager to reunite with family and friends since the air company is the leading carrier between the two countries offering flights from Toronto and Vancouver to Delhi and Mumbai since 2015. The travel restrictions impacted Indian international students and foreign workers as they had to travel to Canada via a third country.

#Covid_19, #Travel_restrictions, #India, #Travel_ban

The employment crisis is not going away in the short term

Employers have been facing labour shortages for the previous 18 months since the COVID-19 epidemic began. Wednesday’s study adds to the evidence, with over 60% of Canadian businesses reporting that widespread labour shortages are restricting their development. The study, released by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), is based on two polls: one that polled 1,251 Canadian businesses in May 2021 and another of 3,000 Canadian workers conducted in June 2021. According to the BDC’s chief economist, COVID-19 certainly disrupted the Canadian labour market by temporarily shutting off immigration and prompting some employees to quit rather than risk catching the virus on the job.

#COVID_19, #labour_shortage

The federal government is in the process of rolling out a facial recognition system for Canadian passport holders

Within two years, the Federal government will implement a facial recognition system for all 25 million Canadian passport holders. This was reported by Blacklock’s Reporter. The government would build a huge database with the faces of millions of Canadians. In a notice titled Facial Recognition Solution, the IRCC said that “the department must have facial recognition system support capabilities in place no later than October 2023.” The cost of the program was not detailed. Canadian citizens who apply for passports will automatically consent to have their personal photos stored in a federal database: “Applicants consent to their photos being used to confirm identity through the passport program’s facial recognition system.” The program is rationalized on the basis of preventing identity fraud, despite little proof that identity fraud is an issue.

#information_security, #privacy, #passports, #Citizenship, #facial_recognition

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