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New Delhi

May 9, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Manitoba invited 315 candidates in draw #145

On May 5, 2022, Manitoba held a new invitation round in the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). In round #145, MPNP issued 249 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) in the Skilled Workers in Manitoba stream. The minimum score to get the LAA in this category was 651 points, 56 points fewer compared to the previous draw. In the Skilled Workers Overseas stream, Manitoba issued 34 LAAs. The lowest score in the SWO category was 691 points, 17 points fewer than in the previous round. In addition, Manitoba invited 32 candidates in the International Education Category. In total, Manitoba issued LAAs to 315 candidates, including 48 Express Entry candidates. MPNP has invited 2,568 candidates in 2022, and 500 of them received invitations in the Express Entry.

#Manitoba, #MPNP, #International_students, #PNP, #SWO, #SWM

Ottawa updated instructions on work permits issued under the caregiver pathways

On May 6, 2022, the Government of Canada updated the instructions on work permits issued under the Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker Pilots of the International Mobility Program. The instructions include reformatted sections at the top for easier reference by officers. In addition, the Government added new sections in the instructions related to the occupation-restricted open work permits to provide officers with detailed guidance on processing caregiver applications under the two pathways. Moreover, the Caregiver temporary residence programs comparison table has also been updated.

#IMP, #caregivers, #work_permit, #foreign_workers

Immigration Minister concluded his visit to Europe

On May 6, 2022, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), concluded a successful visit to Europe. Minister visited Belgium, France, and Poland and met with key European allies and European Union (EU) partners to discuss the ongoing crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan, reaffirming Canada’s commitment to helping the most vulnerable people in the world. Minister Fraser is pleased that Canada and the EU will continue to work together on addressing ongoing humanitarian issues in Ukraine and Afghanistan, as well as refugee protection, economic migration, and successful integration of immigrants.

#IRCC, #Fraser, #EU, #Ukraine, #Afghanistan

Canada accepted more Afghan nationals over the last weeks

On May 6, 2022, the Government of Canada accepted over 600 government-assisted and privately-sponsored Afghan refugees, increasing the total number of Afghan nationals arriving in Canada under the special humanitarian resettlement program to 12,605. Honouring World Press Freedom Day, the Government spotlighted journalists and highlighted the challenges of fostering the freedom of expression through the press, and announced its praise to be among the first countries to launch a special program that specifically helps the most vulnerable Afghans, including journalists.

#Afghanistan, #Afghan_refugees, #refugees, #journalists

Manitoba nominated 697 candidates in April 2022

On May 6, 2022, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) published new nomination issuance statistics. In April 2022, the province nominated 697 skilled workers and approved 2 businesses. Manitoba also refused 13 skilled worker applications. MPNP invited 546 skilled workers and 3 business concepts. In April, MPNP received 389 applications from skilled workers. Currently, the province is assessing 475 applications, and the other 2,184 applications are pending assessment. Additionally, Manitoba nominated 208 Express Entry candidates. In total, in 2022, Manitoba has nominated 1,649 candidates.

#Manitoba, #MPNP, #Skilled_workers, #business_immigration, #PNP, #nomination_certificates, #MPNP_monthly_data

Saskatchewan invited 198 candidates through the SINP

On May 5, 2022, Saskatchewan conducted new rounds of invitations in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). In the Express Entry category, Saskatchewan issued 106 ITAs. Another 91 invitations were issued to the Occupations In-Demand category candidates. The lowest score in both categories was 85 points, 2 points fewer than in the previous draw. In addition, the SINP also invited 1 Ukrainian candidate under the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand categories with a minimum score of 71. All invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. In this draw, Saskatchewan invited candidates under 40 different NOCs. This year, Saskatchewan has already invited 586 candidates.

#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #Express_Entry, #Occupations_in_demand, #PNP, #Ukraine

Canada invited 2,524 candidates under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From May 2 to May 8, Canada invited 2,524 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of May 6, there are 22,716 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 210 ITAs for Australia, 56 ITAs for Austria, 25 ITAs for Belgium, 1 ITA for Chile, 1 ITA for Costa Rica, 7 ITAs for Croatia, 26 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 7 ITAs for Denmark, 2 ITAs for Estonia, 618 ITAs for France, 106 ITAs for Germany, 2 ITAs for Greece, 21 ITAs for Hong Kong, 307 ITAs for Ireland, 57 ITAs for Italy, 157 ITAs for Japan, 197 ITAs for South Korea, 1 ITA for Latvia, 11 ITAs for Lithuania, 1 ITA for Luxembourg, 12 ITAs for the Netherlands, 59 ITAs for New Zealand, 4 ITAs for Norway, 12 ITAs for Poland, 47 ITAs for Portugal, 1 ITA for San Marino, 9 ITAs for Slovakia, 2 ITAs for Slovenia, 40 ITAs for Spain, 13 ITAs for Sweden, 5 ITAs for Switzerland, 21 ITAs for Taiwan, and 886 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2022, Canada issued 73,272 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada