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New Delhi

May 25, 2021BY VSN Immigration

IRCC issued 701 ITA under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of the International Experience Canada (IEC) program. From May 17 to May 21, the government issued 701 Invitations to Apply (ITA) for an IEC open work permit. As of May 21, there are 15,726 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 16 ITAs for Australia, 72 ITAs for Chile, 18 ITAs for Costa Rica, 2 ITAs for Croatia, 12 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 9 ITAs for Denmark, 268 ITAs for France, 4 ITAs for Greece, 25 ITAs for Hong Kong, 75 ITAs for Ireland, 8 ITAs for Italy, 21 ITAs for Japan, 43 ITAs for South Korea, 8 ITAs for New Zealand, 2 ITAs for Norway, 22 ITAs for Portugal, 9 ITAs for Slovakia, 14 ITAs for Spain, 8 ITAs for Sweden, 1 ITA for Switzerland, and 64 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In total, Canada issued 9,149 ITAs under the IEC in 2021.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

Canada extended travel restrictions for flights from Pakistan and India

After the one-month-long travel ban ended on May 22, the Government of Canada extended travel restrictions for all direct passenger and business flights from Pakistan and India for another month, until June 21, 2021. Only cargo flights carrying vaccines and protective equipment from and to these countries will continue to be allowed into Canada. Passengers, decided to come to Canada, will have to do so via an indirect route. They will need to get a negative result of a COVID-19 test from their last point of departure.

#Covid_19, #Travel_restrictions, #India, #Pakistan

Canada experiences a significant rise in the number of applications from Hong Kong

Canada has received more than 5,700 applications after Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced the start of the new Immigration pathway for residents of Hong Kong on February 4, 2021. Alexander Cohen, press secretary to Minister Mendicino, said Canada typically received about 1,500 to 2,000 work-permit applications from Hong Kongers annually. This means the outstanding amounts of applications submitted in the first three months, roughly triple the number that usually applies in a full year. According to the special Immigration pathway for Hong Kongers, applicants may apply for open work permits for up to 3 years if they graduated with a Canadian post-secondary diploma or degree in the last 5 years.

#Hong_Kong, #IRCC, #PR

Canadian-American border may be opened by late summer

Some experts suggest that travel restrictions on the Canadian-American border may be lifted by late summer or early fall. Since March 2020, the border has been closed to all “nonessential” travel, and the agreement to close it between Ottawa and Washington is expected to be extended on June 21. Answering the question of when the Canada-US border will open, foreign policy expert Aaron Ettinger replied that ‘the borders will remain closed at least until the fall of 2021, because given the level of infection and the number of hospitalizations in intensive care units, now, the situation with the coronavirus is literally ten times worse than last year.’

#Travel_restrictions, #Covid_19