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New Delhi

March 14, 2022BY VSN Immigration

British Columbia additional amendments to the BCPNP

On March 10, 2022, British Columbia introduced important amendments to the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) Skills Immigration stream, prioritizing the applications of healthcare workers and early childhood educators. As of March 10, the province replaced the targeted invitations to apply with the registration points awarded for high-demand occupations in the Labour Market Outlook. The new instructions clarify employer requirements and other changes to the Skills Immigration categories. The province will conduct general draws for other skilled and semi-skilled workers who meet program criteria based on various factors that support government priorities.

#BCPNP, #skilled_immigration, #healthcare_workers, #early_childhood_education

Ottawa updated instructions for Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class Applicants

On March 11, 2022, the Government of Canada introduced instructions for Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class candidates applying under the Humanitarian and Compassionate (HC) Circumstances, clarifying the eligibility requirements that may be waived. After getting approved by humanitarian and compassionate circumstances, the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class applicants may obtain a waiver from the grounds of inadmissibility not covered in the spousal public policy, as well as a waiver of R133(4), the minimum subsistence income requirement, and A38(2), the excessive demand medical requirement for health and social services.

#Spousal_applications, #HC, #Humanitarian_and_Compassionate_circumstances

Afghan women and girls settle down in Canada

The Government of Canada accepts more and more vulnerable Afghan nationals, including women leaders every week. So far, Canada has admitted 8,680 Afghan refugees under the special humanitarian program. according to the Government’s new update, many Canadian organizations and institutions are offering valuable career opportunities for Afghan women and girls. The School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University has been hosting prominent Afghan journalist and human rights defender Farida Nekzad since December 2021. In addition, the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS) has hired Sheila Qayumi who supported women networks in 20 Afghan provinces.

#Afghan_refugees, #interpreters, #Afghanistan, #Afghan_Women, #CCIS, #refugees

Alberta accepts Ukrainian candidates under the AAIP

On March 4, 2022, the Government of Alberta responded to the crisis in Ukraine and announced temporary processing measures to assist Ukrainian nationals who apply to the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP). According to the new measures, the province will prioritize applications and requests for post-decision services and reimburse the application fees, and request for post-decision service fees to all Ukrainian candidates who make a request for post-decision services on or after February 24, 2022. Ukrainian nationals will have to meet program criteria to qualify for the program and have valid language results and an Educational Credential Assessment.

#AAIP, #Alberta, #Ukraine, #Ukrainian_applicants

Canada invited 5,973 candidates under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From March 7 to March 13, Canada invited 5,973 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of March 11, there are 22,893 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 197 ITAs for Australia, 39 ITAs for Belgium, 150 ITAs for Chile, 11 ITAs for Costa Rica, 4 ITAs for Croatia, 68 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 17 ITAs for Denmark, 17 ITAs for Estonia, 2,065 ITAs for France, 226 ITAs for Germany, 15 ITAs for Greece, 7 ITAs for Hong Kong, 336 ITAs for Ireland, 71 ITAs for Italy, 181 ITAs for Japan, 1,000 ITAs for South Korea, 7 ITAs for Latvia, 25 ITAs for Lithuania, 57 ITAs for the Netherlands, 62 ITAs for New Zealand, 4 ITAs for Norway, 43 ITAs for Poland, 43 ITAs for Portugal, 28 ITAs for Slovakia, 3 ITAs for Slovenia, 120 ITAs for Spain, 12 ITAs for Sweden, 7 ITAs for Switzerland, 159 ITAs for Taiwan, and 997 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2022, Canada issued 51,223 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

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