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New Delhi

June 29, 2021BY VSN Immigration

Ontario announced intake to the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills Stream

On June 28, 2021, the Government of Ontario opened intake to the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) expression of interest (EOI) system will be open throughout the year, and applicants can register an EOI at any time. Under the new EOI stream, the Government combined the Foreign Worker and International Student streams. Ontario still has to launch the EOI system for the Master’s Graduate and Ph.D. Graduate streams, which were announced in March 2021.

#OINP, #EJO, #Employer_job_offer


Saskatchewan still has 825 spots for international graduates under the SINP

On June 28, 2021, Saskatchewan updated the number of spots remaining through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) for the provincial international graduates under the temporary immigration policy. Saskatchewan has allocated 1,000 spots for direct submission of a nomination application for those who resided in the province on September 1, 2020, and have completed educational programs in the province. Since the last week, the province accepted 6 applications, and 825 spots remain available. SINP updates this data every Monday.

#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #PNP, #international_students, #international_graduates


Canada invited 649 candidates under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new rounds of invitations in the pools of the International Experience Canada (IEC) program. From June 21 to June 25 Canada invited 649 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of June 25, there are 18,127 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 36 ITAs for Australia, 2 ITAs for Belgium, 16 ITAs for Chile, 8 ITAs for Costa Rica, 12 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 6 ITAs for Denmark, 177 ITAs for France, 129 ITAs for Germany, 4 ITAs for Greece, 5 ITAs for Hong Kong, 64 ITAs for Ireland, 1 ITA for Italy, 18 ITAs for Japan, 40 ITAs for South Korea, 13 ITAs for the Netherlands, 9 ITAs for New Zealand, 1 ITA for Norway, 5 ITAs for Portugal, 7 ITAs for Slovakia, 11 ITAs for Spain, 5 ITAs for Sweden, 2 ITAs for Switzerland, 16 ITAs for Taiwan, and 62 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In total, Canada issued 12,013 ITAs under the IEC in 2021.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada


Canada called for proposals for resettlement and case management services

On June 28, 2021, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) launched a call for proposals for resettlement and case management services to deliver high-quality settlement and resettlement services for government-assisted refugees and newcomers. The Government will fund new resettlement service providers under IRCC’s Resettlement Assistance Program, as well as projects that reinforce the delivery of case management services. The call for proposals Case management is an important service for government-assisted refugees and vulnerable newcomers to get adopted to live in Canada. Applications must be submitted by August 20, 2021.

#IRCC, #Resettlement_services, #Case_management_services


Canadians are happy with the current immigration levels

According to the recent Angus Reid poll, almost half of Canadians support the Government’s plan to increase immigration and want to see even higher numbers of immigrants to help deal with the economic recovery from COVID-19. 34% of responders were happy with the current immigration strategy, while 13% wanted to see a greater increase. For 39% of responders, the level of immigration was too high, and 14% were not sure. Due to the pandemic, immigration to Canada has declined. In 2020, just 184,370 new permanent residents arrived in Canada, the lowest number since 1997.

#Immigration_levels, #poll

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