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New Delhi

January 31, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Ottawa updated instructions for the new College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants

On January 28, 2022, the Government of Canada updated instructions on the use of representatives for the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) which has officially become the regulator of immigration and citizenship consultants across Canada. New instructions reflect changes in the guidelines for application intake and processing and other procedures. They also include an update regarding who can act as a representative, compensated and uncompensated representatives, as well as guidelines for other stakeholders. The new instructions are applicable to both citizenship and immigration applications and proceedings.

#CICC, #ICCRC, #RCIC, #consultants, #college_of_immigration_consultants

Manitoba invited 315 candidates in draw #135

On January 27, 2022, Manitoba held a new invitation round in the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). In round #135, MPNP issued 212 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) in the Skilled Workers in Manitoba stream. The minimum score to get the LAA in this category was 609 points, 150 points more compared to the previous draw. In the Skilled Workers Overseas stream, Manitoba issued 63 LAAs. The lowest score in the SWO category was 703 points, 8 points fewer than in the previous round. In addition, Manitoba invited 40 candidates in the International Education Category. In total, Manitoba issued LAAs to 315 candidates, including 69 Express Entry candidates. In 2022, MPNP has already invited 758 candidates.

#Manitoba, #MPNP, #International_students, #PNP, #SWO, #SWM

IRCC issued 7,514 invitations under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From January 24 to January 30, Canada invited 7,514 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of January 28, there are 38,108 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 5 ITAs for Andorra, 291 ITAs for Australia, 187 ITAs for Belgium, 72 ITAs for Chile, 18 ITAs for Costa Rica, 30 ITAs for Croatia, 349 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 80 ITAs for Denmark, 14 ITAs for Estonia, 727 ITAs for France, 984 ITAs for Germany, 53 ITAs for Greece, 18 ITAs for Hong Kong, 1,405 ITAs for Ireland, 404 ITAs for Italy, 699 ITAs for Japan, 175 ITAs for South Korea, 10 ITAs for Latvia, 46 ITAs for Lithuania, 4 ITAs for Luxembourg, 128 ITAs for the Netherlands, 92 ITAs for New Zealand, 31 ITAs for Norway, 108 ITAs for Poland, 144 ITAs for Portugal, 1 ITA for San Marino, 25 ITAs for Slovenia, 175 ITAs for Spain, 46 ITAs for Sweden, 15 ITAs for Switzerland, 282 ITAs for Taiwan, and 910 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2022, Canada issued 14,796 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador published a Joint Statement against Islamophobia

On January 28, 2022, the Ministry of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills of Newfoundland and Labrador published a Joint Statement on Remembrance Day for the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia. In the statement, Ministers of Newfoundland and Labrador remembered the victims of the attack in the Quebec City Mosque, where six Muslims were killed and 19 more were injured. The province continues to seek solutions to Islamophobia and all forms of racism in society and in institutions.

#Newfoundland_and_Labrador, #Rememberance_Day