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New Delhi

January 28, 2022BY VSN Immigration

OINP invited skilled trades candidates

On January 27, 2022, Ontario invited 1,032 candidates under the Skilled Trades Stream of the Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP). The CRS score range of the invited candidates was 381-461. Candidates, who received a notification of interest on January 27, 2022 don’t need to contact the program and can apply to the stream. Last year, Ontario invited 1,324 candidates in two draws under the Skilled Trades Stream. The OINP already invited 2,618 candidates under all streams of OINP in 2022.

#Ontario, #OINP, #Skilled_trades, #PNP, #ITA

Ottawa updated the Entry/Exit program with the United States

On January 27, 2022, the Government of Canada introduced instructions and policy changes for the Entry/Exit (E/E) program, providing a broader range of information and specific guidance. The E/E program was signed between Canada and the United States under the Beyond the Border Action Plan and allows Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to obtain accurate and objective entry and exit information from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to evaluate the applications of permanent and temporary residents, as well as visitors.

#Entry_Exit_Program, #IRCC, #CBSA, #US, #boarder_measures

Quebec invited 512 candidates in the first Arrima draw of 2022

On, January 27, 2022, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) published the results of the 27th invitation round in Quebec’s online system Arrima. On January 13, 2022, MIFI invited 512 candidates to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. Candidates invited in this round either had a validated offer of employment in the province and had a minimum score of 602. In 2021, MIFI issued 3,582 invitations. Since the launch of Arrima in July 2019, the government of Quebec invited 6,784 foreign nationals in 27 draws to apply for immigration to Quebec.

#MIFI, #Quebec, #Arrima, #QSW

Newfoundland and Labrador published a Joint Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On January 27, 2021, the Ministry of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills of Newfoundland and Labrador published a Joint Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, remembering the great injustice of the Holocaust and announcing its support to the Jewish communities. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador continues to work towards a province free of all forms of racism and discrimination. The statement called for Canadians living in the province to learn more about this horrific chapter in human history and challenge anti-Semitism in all its forms through education and awareness.

#Newfoundland_and_Labrador, #Holocaust_Rememberance_Day

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