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New Delhi

January 27, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Canada has welcomed 7,140 Afghan refugees since August 2021

Under Canada’s commitment to welcome up to 40,000 refugees and vulnerable Afghans to Canada, the Government is currently working to increase the number of eligible Afghans. As of today, Canada welcomed 7,140 Afghan refugees under all streams since August 2021. The Government of Canada received 14,740 applications from Afghan nationals for immigration under the special immigration program for Afghans who assisted the Government in Afghanistan. 9,815 applications have been approved so far, and 4,290 Afghans arrived in Canada under this program. In addition, Canada also accepted 2,850 Afghan refugees under the humanitarian program.

#Afghanistan, #Afghan_refugees, #refugees, #Afghans, #Taliban

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser promised to achieve justice for the families of the victims who died on Flight 752

On the second anniversary of the Flight 752 tragedy, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser promised that the Government would get justice for the families of the victims. In January 2020, Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 was shot down over Iran, where 55 Canadians and 30 Canadian permanent residents died. “As we commemorate this sombre anniversary, we recommit ourselves to honour the lives lost to this tragedy and other air disasters, pursue justice for the victims, and support their families,” stated the minister in his tweet.

#Fraser, #Flight_752, #Flight_tragedy, #Iran

ESDC updated processing times for LMIA applications

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has updated the processing times for the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications under various streams. Based on statistics from all processing centres, the current average LMIA processing times for all streams is as follows:

  • Global Talent Stream – 17 business days (4 days less)
  • Agricultural stream – 30 business days (2 days less)
  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program – 21 business days (4 days more)
  • Permanent residence stream – 49 business days (3 days more)
  • In-home caregivers – 26 business days (11 days less)
  • High-wage stream – 66 business days (12 days more)
  • Low-wage stream – 64 business days (2 days more)

This data still does not reflect the consequences of the LMIA online portal being down for one month.

#ESDC, #Service_Canada, #LMIA #TFWP, #Work_permit, #agricultural_workers, #caregivers

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