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New Delhi

January 24, 2023BY VSN Immigration

Canada’s backlog of immigration applications has plummeted to less than two million

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that there were 1.9 million applications for permanent residence, temporary residence permits and citizenship approvals in all IRCC inventories. According to the update, 46.5% of applications in the inventory exceeded service standards. IRCC is dedicated to processing 20% of applications within their service standard, though some complex cases may require a comprehensive assessment. Currently, 45% of temporary residence requests – including ones for visiting, studying or working abroad and 58% of permanent residency applications are in backlog. Additionally, 28% of citizenship applications are also exceeding service standards.

#IRCC, #immigration_backlog, #service_standards, #application_processing_times, #backlog

Nearly 150,000 Ukrainian nationals arrived in Canada under the CUAET

On January 23, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) updated the number of Ukrainian newcomers arriving in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET). According to the latest update, between January 1, 2022, and January 15, 2023, 21,166 Ukrainians arrived in Canada by land, and an additional 123,913 reached by air. Between March 17, 2022, and January 17, 2023, IRCC received 791,016 applications under the CUAET. In total, IRCC approved 503,100 applications from Ukrainian nationals.

#Ukrainian_immigrants, #Ukrainian_refugees, #refugees, #CUAET, #Ukraine, #IRCC

Canada is accepting more Afghan nationals under the special immigration measures

On January 23, 2023, the Government of Canada made a new update regarding the Afghan refugees arriving in the country. The last update shows Canada has accepted 165 Afghan refugees since January 6, 2023. As of now, Canada has welcomed a total of 27,510 Afghan refugees. Canada received 17,080 Afghans and their families’ applications under the Special Immigration Measures Program for Afghans who had assisted the Government of Canada in Afghanistan. Most of them – 9,505 Afghans arrived in Canada under that program, while 15,260 Afghan nationals came under the Humanitarian program. In addition, Canada admitted 1,045 applicants under the pathway for extended family members of former interpreters.

#Afghan_refugees, #refugees, #Afghanistan

Canada accepted the highest number of francophone immigrants in 2022

On January 13, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that Canada has successfully reached its goal of 4.4% French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec for the year 2022. In only one year, more than 16,300 new immigrants have settled in Francophone minority communities across Canada! This is an incredible increase from 2006 when admissions were at 2,800 – a phenomenal jump from 1.38% to 4.4%. This remarkable influx of French-speaking immigrants, the most significant number since data has been recorded, enriches Canada’s cultural and linguistic diversity, positively impacting local economies through their presence in diverse communities across Canada.

#IRCC, #Francophone_immigration, #statistics, #french_speaking_immigrants

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