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New Delhi

August 28, 2023BY VSN Immigration

Manitoba invited 22 Ukrainian candidates under the MPNP

On August 25, 2023, the Government of Manitoba held the 17th draw for Ukrainian candidates. In this draw, the province invited 22 candidates through the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). To be eligible, applicants must be Ukrainian citizens, have a minimum of CLB 4 in each language band, have connections to the province (close relative, community ties, previous employment, or studies in Manitoba), and score at least 60 points in the EOI registration points-grid, and possess a valid language test in one of the official languages. In total, the province invited 10,323 candidates in 2023, including 217 Ukrainian nationals.

#Manitoba, #MPNP, #Ukrainian_nationals, #Ukraine

Canada issued 1,004 invitations through the IEC program

Over the last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From August 19 to August 25, Canada invited 1,004 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of August 25, 28,056 candidates registered in the pool, awaiting the invitation. In this round, there were 120 ITAs for Australia, 1 ITA for Austria, 1 ITA for Costa Rica, 8 ITAs for Croatia, 2 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 2 ITAs for Denmark, 1 ITA for Estonia, 24 ITAs for France, 110 ITAs for Germany, 12 ITAs for Greece, 3 ITAs for Hong Kong, 76 ITAs for Ireland, 50 ITAs for Italy, 110 ITAs for Japan, 21 ITAs for Korea, 2 ITAs for Latvia, 13 ITAs for the Netherlands, 31 ITAs for New Zealand, 4 ITAs for Norway, 14 ITAs for Poland, 27 ITAs for Portugal, 5 ITAs for Slovakia, 3 ITAs for Slovenia, 57 ITAs for Spain, 15 ITAs for Sweden, 4 ITAs for Switzerland, 4 ITAs for Taiwan, and 284 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2023, Canada issued 109,413 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

The new immigration minister will rethink policies for international students

As housing and living costs for international students have risen sharply, the federal government is now reviewing international student immigration. This comes after Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Minister Marc Miller’s openness to reconsidering international student enrolments, especially considering concerns about fraud. Cutting study permit issuances may be regarded as anti-immigration, so IRCC does not set caps for study permits as they do for permanent residence programs. Instead, more effective measures can be taken to reduce annual student admissions to Canada significantly.

#IRCC, #Miller, #international_students, #study_in_Canada

Canada’s immigration system is outdated

Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller has stated that the current immigration system is outdated and needs to be modernized to reduce processing times and clear the backlog of applications. However, a shortage of immigration staff is not the leading cause of the problem, as the department already has enough personnel to meet processing goals for the next three years. The department currently manages over one million applications, with 802,600 reported to be in backlog, but aims to process 80% of applications within its service standards. While it had previously reached its ideal backlog percentage of 20%, a recent increase in backlog numbers has pushed it closer to exceeding the target again.

#IRCC, #Miller, #Immigration_to_Canada, #backlog

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