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New Delhi

August 24, 2021BY VSN Immigration

Canada introduced special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada

On August 23, 2021, the Government of Canada introduced updated instructions to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada. According to the updated program delivery instructions, officers will use the Organization ID to track all applications received from Hong Kongers. In addition, the Government updated IEC instructions and added new guidance for the national interest exemption letter section. Although most applications will be processed by the Hong Kong office, Canada advised all offices to follow new instructions in order to process applications in a consistent manner.

#Hong_Kong, #Organization_ID

Saskatchewan accepted 31 applications of international graduates under the SINP

On August 23, 2021, Saskatchewan updated the number of spots remaining through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) for international graduates in the framework of the temporary immigration policy. The provincial government has allocated 1,000 spots for direct submission of a nomination application for those who resided in the province on September 1, 2020, and has completed an academic program in the province. Since the last week, the province has accepted 31 applications, and 662 spots remain available. SINP updates this data every Monday. Since the launch of the program, SINP has accepted 338 applications from international graduates.

#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #PNP, #international_students, #international_graduates

Saskatchewan published Application Processing Times for SINP for the second quarter of 2021

Saskatchewan updated the processing time of various streams of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). According to the new data, in the second quarter of 2021, in the International Skilled Worker category, the processing time in the Employment Offer stream was 3 weeks, in the Occupation In-Demand stream – 23 weeks, and in the Express Entry stream – 22 weeks. In the Saskatchewan Experience category, the processing time in the Existing Work Permit stream, International Students stream, Truck Drivers stream and Hospitality Workers stream was 1 week, and in the Health Professionals stream – 4 weeks. In the Entrepreneur and Farm category, the processing time for the Entrepreneur Nominations Stream was 10 weeks. For the Entrepreneurs Applications and Farmers streams, the province has not provided any information regarding the processing times. The Job Approval Process, the authorization for an employer to hire a foreign worker through the SINP, took 9 weeks. The processing times show the average time, that it takes for 80% of applications to be processed. These processing times are an average based on the past quarter. They may not tell the precise processing times for future applications.

#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #processing_times

Prince Edward Island invited 161 candidates in the new round

On August 19, 2021, Prince Edward Island held a new draw in the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP). In this round, the province issued 152 invitations to apply to skilled workers in the Labour Impact and Express Entry streams. The province also issued 9 invitations in the Business Work Permit Entrepreneurs stream. The lowest score for business candidates was 72 points, 3 points fewer than in the July draw. In 2021, the PEI PNP invited 1,194 candidates to apply for the provincial nomination. 107 of those invitees belong to business class candidates. The next round is scheduled for September 16, 2021.

#Prince_Edward_Island, #PEIPNP, #Business_immigration, #Skilled_workers, #Entrepreneurs, #PNP

BCPNP invited up to 12 candidates in the business immigration streams

On August 17, 2021, British Columbia held new draws to business candidates in the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). In the Base Category of the Entrepreneur Stream, BC PNP invited 8 candidates with the lowest score of 126 points, same as in the June 15 draw. In the Entrepreneur Regional Pilot, the province invited up to 5 candidates with the lowest score of 129 points, 10 points higher than in the previous draw. In 2021, British Columbia already invited 45 entrepreneurs. Last year, BC issued 154 invitations to the business candidates.

#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #Entrepreneurs, #Business_immigration, #Regional_Pilot, #Rural_immigration, #PNP

The USA extended travel restrictions for Canadians for another 30 days

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the travel restrictions will remain in place to “minimize the spread of COVID-19, including the Delta variant.” DHS closely works with public health and medical experts “to determine how to safely and sustainably resume normal travel.” Despite fully vaccinated Americans can enter Canada for non-essential visits since August 9, Canadians express frustration that they are still unable to drive across the border for a non-essential visit. Non-essential travel at the US border has been restricted since March 2020.

#USA, #travel_restrictions, #COVID_19, #DHS

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