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New Delhi

August 22, 2023BY VSN Immigration

The new Recognized Employer Pilot to provide greater protection for foreign workers

In early 2020, COVID-19 outbreaks among migrant farm workers caused produce sections of Canadian grocery stores to become increasingly empty. The workers are hired through Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program, which has been accused of abuse due to unsafe workplaces and living conditions. The program will be altered in September with a new initiative, Recognized Employer Pilot, to reduce the administrative burden on employers with the highest worker protection level. The pilot will last three years and help prevent workplace and living conditions from deteriorating. The power imbalance between employers and workers is the root of the problem, which is caused by employer-specific work permits and the tenuous immigration status of workers.

#Foreign_workers, #TFWP, #REP, #Recognized_Employer_Program

Canada is a top destination for immigrant entrepreneurs

In Canada, women who immigrated under economic programs were more likely to graduate from Canadian colleges and universities than men. This could be because immigrant women often face challenges in having their foreign educational credentials recognized in Canada. Interestingly, those with a university education before immigrating were also more likely to obtain college diplomas or university degrees after arriving in Canada. Additionally, immigrants with Canadian postsecondary educational qualifications earned between $47,700 and $67,600, comparable to the median employment income of those without such qualifications.

#Statistics_Canada, #edication, #statistics, #economic_immigrants

The Canadian Government published the Century Initiative

Recently, the Government of Canada released Century Initiative. The initiative estimates that Canada will achieve a population of 100 million by 2100, assuming continued steady growth in immigration levels and implementing policies supporting families with children. This requires increased investments in housing, infrastructure, and services to improve the quality of life for all Canadians. According to the report, immigration is the most reliable way to grow Canada’s population and economy. Century Initiative recommended more investments in housing, social infrastructure, meeting immigration targets, and improving settlement services for temporary residents.

#Century_Initiative, #population_growth

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