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New Delhi

April 7, 2021BY VSN Immigration

BCPNP invited 80 high-tech specialists in the Tech Pilot

On April 6, 2021, British Columbia conducted a new draw for candidates in the Tech Pilot of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). In this round, the government invited 80 high-tech specialists to apply for the provincial nomination in four categories: Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker, Skills Immigration – International Graduate, Express Entry British Columbia – Skilled Worker, and Express Entry British Columbia – International Graduate. All candidates scored 80 points or higher. British Columbia invited 592 Tech Pilot candidates this year. In total, BC issued 2,989 invitations in the BCPNP in 2021.

#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #Tech_Pilot, #PNP

More than half of PGWP holders live in Ontario

122,695 international graduates received Post Graduate Work Permits (PGWP) in 2020. Over half of them live in Ontario – 70,335 individuals (57.3%). British Columbia is the second largest province where international graduates reside – 20,625 PGWP holders (16.8%). Quebec was the third in 2020 – 13,405 persons (10.9%). Alberta is a home for 5,965 international graduates (4.9%). Manitoba is the location of the other 4,825 graduates (3.9). 1,865 PGWPs were issued in Saskatchewan (1.5%). In the four Atlantic provinces, IRCC issued 5,320 PGWPs with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick among the regional leaders with 3,085 (2.5%) and 1,265 (1%) PGWPs. Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island attracted fewer postgrads – only 540 and 430 respectively. Finally, the least PGWP-holders reside in Yukon – 95, and the Northwest Territories – 30. No PGWP issued in Nunavut in 2020.

#international_graduates, #international_students, #PGWP, #Work_permit, #OWP, #Work_in_Canada

Quebec started to accept applications from refugees

On April 6, 2021, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) announced the beginning of the applications intake under the Program for Refugees Abroad (Collective sponsorship) for the 2020-2021 period. The intake period will continue until May 5, 2021. The application process is completely online via the Arrima portal. MIFI allocated the quota of 750 spots for Collective sponsorship for this intake period. MIFI also emphasized that in the case of overcoming the limit, the province will hold a random draw among all applicants overseen by the designated third party to ensure the integrity of the draw. Only groups of 2 to 5 individuals can submit applications during this period.

#Quebec, #MIFI, #refugees