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New Delhi

April 12, 2022BY VSN Immigration

New Brunswick accepted 80 internationally educated nurses

On April 11, 2022, the Government of New Brunswick announced that the province has accepted 80 internationally educated nurses since the launch of the recruitment program in 2020. The pilot was created to support internationally educated nurses as they apply for immigration and help the province tackle the labour shortage in New Brunswick. As of now, an additional 150 internationally educated nurses have been identified and will be connected with New Brunswick employers for hiring opportunities over the coming 12 months.

#New_Brunswick, #nurses, #nursing, #healthcare_workers

The Council of Canadian Innovators calls on the Federal Government to allow Tech workers to come to Canada without a job offer

On March 29, 2022, the Council of Canadian Innovators released Talent & Skills Strategy to address the issues facing high-growth firms and introduced 13 key recommendations for federal and provincial ministries and agencies. According to the release, the Council called on the Canadian Government to introduce a High Potential Tech Visa, allowing the most in-demand professionals to come to Canada without a job offer, review and revise the National Occupation Classification (NOC) codes more regularly to better reflect the changing nature of tech jobs, ease pathways to permanent residency (PR) within the Global Talent Stream visa program, expand the recognition of international and alternative credentials for applicants, and enhance the Global Skills Strategy immigration program with a targeted 48-hour visa processing time.

#Council_of_Canadian_Innovators, #Tech_workers, #NOC, #PR, #tech_visa

Permanent residents and foreign students still can purchase homes in Canada

Since the house prices in Canada were so high that working-class and young Canadians could not buy real estate, the Government of Canada introduced a two-year ban on home-buying by foreign nationals. However, permanent residents and international students have been exempted from this ban and will still be able to purchase houses in Canada. In the latest released budget, the Government has proposed to double the number of new houses that will be built in cooperation with the provincial and territorial governments, and municipalities.

#PR, #international_students, #Housing, #houses, #House_prices, #real_estate

Nurses from Haiti will be prioritized in the Quebec Immigration Processing

According to Quebec Immigration Minister Jean Boulet, the Government of Quebec will add Haiti to the list of high-priority countries to attract more nurses and address the severe labour shortages in the province. Although in February 2022, the Government of Quebec announced an investment of $65 million in an initiative to recruit 1,000 foreign-trained nurses from certain francophone countries over the next two years, Haiti, being one of the largest francophone nations, was not on the list of eligible countries.

#Haiti, #nursing, #nurses, #healthcare_workers, #francophone, #Quebec, #Boulet

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