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New Delhi

May 29, 2024BY VSN Immigration

Based on the recent draws for health occupations, we can analyze the trend in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores over the past few months. Here’s a summary:

  1. March 7, 2024:
    • CRS score range: 352-421
  2. February 6, 2024:
    • CRS score range: 379-430
  3. November 30, 2023:
    • CRS score range: 404-430
  4. September 26, 2023:
    • CRS score range: 350-462

Analysis of CRS Score Trends

  1. Range of Scores:
    • The CRS score range shows some variability over the months. The lowest scores range from 350 to 404, while the highest scores range from 421 to 462.
  2. Trend of Minimum Scores:
    • The minimum CRS scores were:
      • September 26, 2023: 350
      • November 30, 2023: 404
      • February 6, 2024: 379
      • March 7, 2024: 352
    • There was a notable increase from September to November, but a decrease in February and further decrease in March, suggesting fluctuating selection criteria or pool of candidates.
  3. Trend of Maximum Scores:
    • The maximum CRS scores were:
      • September 26, 2023: 462
      • November 30, 2023: 430
      • February 6, 2024: 430
      • March 7, 2024: 421
    • The maximum score decreased from September to November and has remained lower since, indicating a potential stabilization around 421-430.

Key Observations

  • The CRS score ranges indicate that there is flexibility in the selection process, accommodating a broader range of scores particularly on certain dates.
  • The significant drop in maximum CRS scores from September to November suggests a change in the selection pool or criteria.
  • The minimum scores have fluctuated but seem to be converging around the lower 350-400 range.

Implications for Applicants

  • Lower CRS Scores: Applicants with CRS scores around 350-400 have had opportunities in recent draws, especially noticeable in the March 2024 draw.
  • Consistency in Higher Scores: Applicants with scores above 400-421 remain competitive across all the recent draws.

Analysis of CRS Score Trends for Tech Occupations

  1. Range of Scores:
    • The CRS score range has been relatively high, indicating a competitive pool for tech occupations. The lowest scores range from 468 to 473, while the highest scores range from 480 to 516.
  2. Trend of Minimum Scores:
    • The minimum CRS scores were:
      • August 11-16, 2023: 473
      • August 16, 2023: 473
      • December 14, 2023: 473
      • February 8, 2024: 471
      • March 21, 2024: 468
    • There has been a gradual decrease in the minimum CRS scores from August 2023 to March 2024, indicating a slight relaxation in the selection criteria.
  3. Trend of Maximum Scores:
    • The maximum CRS scores were:
      • August 11-16, 2023: 516
      • August 16, 2023: 495
      • December 14, 2023: 480
      • February 8, 2024: 480
      • March 21, 2024: 480
    • The maximum CRS scores have decreased significantly from August 2023 to December 2023 and have since stabilized at around 480.

Key Observations

  • High CRS Scores: The CRS scores for tech occupations have consistently been high, reflecting a competitive landscape.
  • Decreasing Minimum Scores: There is a trend of decreasing minimum scores, which may suggest a slight easing in the criteria or an increase in the number of candidates being selected.
  • Stabilization of Maximum Scores: The maximum CRS scores have stabilized around 480 since December 2023, indicating a consistent threshold for top candidates.

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)


The OINP provides an alternative path for professionals, including those in tech occupations, who might face challenges with high CRS scores in federal draws. This program is designed to address Ontario’s specific job market needs and economic requirements.

Streams under OINP

  1. Human Capital Priorities Stream:
    • Targets skilled workers with the qualifications and experience to contribute to Ontario’s economy.
    • Particularly beneficial for tech professionals due to the high demand in this sector.
  2. Employer Job Offer Stream:
    • Allows employers to hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill locally.
    • Includes categories like Foreign Worker, International Student, and In-Demand Skills.
  3. Entrepreneur Stream:
    • Designed for individuals looking to start or buy a business in Ontario.
    • Encourages innovation and economic growth within the province.

Advantages of OINP

  • Versatility: Caters to a wide range of sectors including healthcare, technology, and finance.
  • Customized Approach: Tailored to meet Ontario’s specific labor market and economic needs.
  • Multiple Pathways: Offers various streams to accommodate different professional backgrounds and objectives.


For tech professionals facing high CRS score requirements in federal draws, the OINP represents a valuable opportunity to achieve permanent residency in Canada. By leveraging its diverse streams and tailored approach, candidates can find pathways that align with their skills and career goals while addressing the demands of Ontario’s job market.