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Aging population is hurting Quebec’s economy: PwC study

June 15, 2018BY VSN Immigration

Quebec’s aging population is already having a negative affect on the province’s economy, according to a report released by professional services firm PwC on Wednesday.

The Quebec Economic Health Index, a measure intended to represent the province’s economy, rose 23.17 per cent between 1980 and 2016.

That level of growth over a 36-year period, which included two recessions, is a sign Quebec’s economy is good shape, according to PwC.

However, growth between 2010 and 2016 — the period after the last recession — is slower than in previous periods of growth, according to the index, and in 2016 the province’s economy shrunk slightly.

That was largely due to Quebec’s aging population. While the province’s population has grown older throughout the entire period studied, the effect is accelerating as more people age out of the workforce.

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