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New Delhi

July 17, 2023BY VSN Immigration

IRCC announced a new pathway for Ukrainian nationals

On July 15, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced a new pathway for Ukrainians to help keep families together. This pathway will provide permanent residence to Ukrainian nationals who have fled Russia’s illegal invasion and are currently in Canada with temporary resident status and have one or more family members in Canada, including spouses, common-law partners, parents, grandparents, siblings, and children or grandchildren of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Ukrainians holding a visa under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) will have until March 31, 2024, to travel to Canada under the temporary special measures. Once in Canada, temporary residents will be eligible to apply for an extended stay of up to three years through study permits and open work permits, which will be given priority.

#CUAET, #IRCC, #Ukrainian_newcomers, #Ukrainian_applicants, #Ukraine, #work_permits

The Government of Canada extended the Yukon Community Pilot until 2025

On July 14, 2023, the Government of Canada extended the Yukon Community Pilot for five years, from January 22, 2020, to June 22, 2025. Family members can now apply for an open work permit if the principal applicant is employed in any Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) category. According to the new instructions, R205(c)(ii) and Administrative Code C41/C46 will be applied to candidates employed in TEER 0, 1, 2, and 3, while Administrative Code C47/C48 will be applied to those working in TEER 4 and 5.

#Yukon_Community_Pilot, #Yukon, #TEER, #OWP, #work_permits

Ottawa announced an update for open work permit issuance under the IMP

On July 13, 2023, the Government of Canada published a new program delivery update for work permit issuance under the International Mobility Program (IMP). Starting July 13, 2023, family members of students working on campus under the authority of R186(f) or with a co-op work permit (code C32 or C33) will not be eligible for a spousal open work permit. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) officers will issue open work permits under administrative coder C49 to only family members of principal applicants who applied for permanent residence. Depending on the principal applicants’ employment, family members who are potential permanent resident applicants can apply for an open work permit under C41/C46 or C46/C49.

#IMP, #IRCC, #OWP, #work_permits

Immigration Minister appointed the new chair of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

On July 14, 2023, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), appointed Ms. Manon Brassard as the new Chair of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). She will serve for a five-year term starting from July 23, 2023. Ms. Brassard has had a long public service career, including executive roles in several organizations. She was previously the president of the Canada Economic Development Agency for Quebec Regions. Ms. Brassard holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Université Laval and was called to the Barreau du Quebec in 1984. The new chair will ensure the continued integrity and efficiency of Canada’s immigration and refugee determination systems.

#IRCC, #Fraser, #Brassard, #IRB

Canada announced the new Canada–United Kingdom Youth Mobility Arrangement

On July 14, 2023, Canada and the United Kingdom signed a new Youth Mobility Arrangement to expand reciprocal work opportunities for their youth. The arrangement builds on an existing partnership that began in 2008 and includes improvements such as expanding the age eligibility from 18 to 30 to 18 to 35, adding two new streams (International Co-op and Young Professionals) to complement the existing Working Holiday category for UK nationals visiting Canada, and increasing the total stay period from 2 to 3 years. The new arrangement is expected to be implemented in 2024.

#IEC, #UK, #Youth_Mobility_Arrangement, #work_permits, #International_Co-op, #Young Professionals

Canada held new IEC draws within the past week

Over the last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From July 8 to July 14, Canada invited 1,370 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of July 14, 26,678 candidates registered in the pool, awaiting the invitation. In this round, there were 2 ITAs for Andorra, 210 ITAs for Australia, 5 ITAs for Austria, 2 ITAs for Belgium, 1 ITA for Chile, 7 ITAs for Costa Rica, 4 ITAs for Croatia, 16 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 12 ITAs for Denmark, 3 ITAs for Estonia, 136 ITAs for France, 112 ITAs for Germany, 7 ITAs for Greece, 5 ITAs for Hong Kong, 105 ITAs for Ireland, 40 ITAs for Italy, 188 ITAs for Japan, 31 ITAs for Korea, 1 ITA for Lithuania, 18 ITA for the Netherlands, 50 ITAs for New Zealand, 8 ITAs for Norway, 17 ITAs for Poland, 38 ITAs for Portugal, 5 ITAs for Slovakia, 4 ITAs for Slovenia, 34 ITAs for Spain, 10 ITAs for Sweden, 3 ITAs for Switzerland, 17 ITAs for Taiwan, and 279 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2023, Canada issued 98,025 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

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