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New Delhi

July 11, 2023BY VSN Immigration

ESDC updated processing times for LMIA applications

On July 10, 2023, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) updated the processing times for the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications under various streams. Based on statistics from all processing centres, the current average LMIA processing times have increased for the Permanent residence Stream, In-home caregivers and Low-wage Stream.

  • Global Talent Stream – 13 business days (-7 days)
  • Agricultural stream – 11 business days (-3 days)
  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program – 7 business days (-1 day)
  • Permanent residence Stream – 54 business days (+8 days)
  • In-home caregivers – 23 business days (+2 days)
  • High-wage Stream – 40 business days (-1 day)
  • Low-wage Stream – 50 business days (+1 day)

#ESDC, #Service_Canada, #LMIA #TFWP, #Work_permit, #agricultural_workers, #caregivers

International students transitioning to permanent residence will positively impact the Canadian economy

Increasing the number of international students transitioning to permanent residence through Express Entry would positively impact Canada’s economic needs and priorities. According to a survey, 69% of respondents agreed this would have a strong positive impact, while 20% said it would have a somewhat positive impact. Only 7% said it would have no impact, 2% said it would have a slightly negative impact, and less than 1% said it would have a strongly negative impact. The respondents who supported this idea mentioned that international student graduates are well-suited to work, integrate, and stay in Canada, thanks to their familiarity with Canada’s official languages, Canadian educational credentials, and work experience.

#Express_Entry, #international_students, #survey, #PR

Canada continues to struggle with the housing and healthcare crises

Canada has historically been a country that supports immigration, but according to new data from Abacus Data’s David Coletto, public opinion on the matter can shift quickly. Canada is currently facing housing and healthcare shortages, so it is not wise to take Canada’s pro-immigration stance for granted. Despite these challenges, the Canadian Government has continued to advocate for high levels of immigration, with a target of 500,000 new immigrants per year, in addition to temporary workers and international students. However, this policy is putting a strain on housing availability, with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation estimating that 5.8 million new homes will be needed by 2030.

#Survey, #housing, #healthcare, #labour_shortage, #housing_crisis

A significant number of African students receive refusals for study permits

Between 2018 and April 30, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada rejected 59% of visa applications from English-speaking Africans and 74% from French-speaking Africans seeking to study in Canadian colleges and universities. In 2022, refusal rates were 66% for applicants from French-speaking African countries and 62% for applicants from English-speaking African countries. The stats reveal a significantly higher rejection rate for African students than students from Western countries, with refusal rates for Great Britain, Australia, and the United States being 13%, 13%, and 11%, respectively. French applicants experienced a refusal rate of 6.7%, which is lower than the rejection rate for both English and French-speaking African students.

#International_students, #African_students, #statisitcs, #rejection_rates, #refusal, #Study_permit