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New Delhi

December 23, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Ontario issued 725 invitations through the Masters Graduate stream

On December 21, 2022, Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) issued 725 invitations to apply (ITAs) to potential candidates in the Expression of Interest system pool for the Masters Graduate stream. The minimum score of this round was 46 points, 11 points more than in the previous program-specific draw. This was the highest score for the stream in 2022. The profiles of selected candidates were created between November 22, 2022, and December 21, 2022. In 2022, the province invited 3,890 candidates under this stream. In total, Ontario invited 21,860 candidates under all streams in 2022.

#Ontario, #OINP, #PNP, #Employer_Job_Offer, #international_students, #Occupations_in_demand, #skilled_workers, #Masters_graduates

Ottawa updated instructions for Iranian nationals applying for the pre-removal risk assessment

On December 22, 2022, the Government of Canada updated instructions regarding the bar on applying to the pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) exemption for Iranian nationals. According to the update, Iranian nationals who received an Immigration and Refugee Board decision or a PRRA decision between December 20, 2021, and December 19, 2022, are exempt from the 12-month bar. However, those with decisions made after December 19, 2022, are still subject to the 12-month bar. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will notify qualifying Iranian nationals that they can make a PRRA application.

#Iran, #CBSA, #PRRA, #refugees, #Iranian_refugees, #pre_removal_risk_assessment

OINP invited 14 business candidates under the Entrepreneur Stream

On December 22, 2022, Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) released the results of the new draw under the Entrepreneur Stream. In this draw, the province invited 14 business candidates. The minimum score of this round was 140, two points more compared to the August 16 draw. The OINP noted that those whose Expressions of Interest were scored by December 15, 2022, were eligible for this draw. This year, the Government of Ontario invited 96 business candidates to apply for the provincial nomination.

#Ontario, #OINP, #Entrepreneurs, #Business_immigration, #PNP

Ontario nominated 9,750 candidates to apply for PR in 2022

On December 22, 2022, the Government of Ontario announced that the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) had reached its 2022 nomination allocation, a total of 9,750 nominations for successful applicants from all streams. New applications and applications which have already been submitted to the OINP will continue to be accepted and processed under the OINP’s 2023 nomination allocation. Applicants are encouraged to check the status of their applications through the OINP e-Filing portal. This year, the OINP invited 21,860 candidates under all streams, including 96 business candidates.

#Ontario, #OINP, #PNP, #nomination_allocation

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