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New Delhi

December 9, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Prince Edward Island held a new draw and invited 69 skilled candidates

On December 1, 2022, Prince Edward Island conducted a new invitation round in the Labour Impact and Express Entry streams and invited 69 candidates under the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP). As in November, PEI will likely hold two draws in December too. The PEIPNP issued 1,955 invitations in 2020 and 1,933 invitations in 2021. PEI invited 1,720 candidates this year, including 1,602 candidates under the Labour Impact and Express Entry categories and 118 business candidates. According to the schedule, the next PEI PNP draw will occur on December 15, 2022.

#Prince_Edward_Island, #PEIPNP, #Business_immigration, #Skilled_workers, #Entrepreneurs, #PNP

Northwest Territories published a new update after the NOC change

On December 7, 2022, Northwest Territories published guideline updates for the Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP) streams and Employer Criteria change. According to the announcement, the NTNP began using the new National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 system and updated the eligibility criteria for all programs that use the NOC. In addition, NTNP updated the Employer-Driven and Francophone Streams and removed the employer requirement demanding nominating employers to be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. As a result, foreign-owned businesses operating in NWT, including enterprises owned by nominees under the NTNP Business Stream, will access ECE’s Employer-Driven and Francophone Streams.

#NWT, #NTNP, #NOC_change, #NOC_2021

Quebec has no growth in 2023 immigration targets

On December 8, 2022, Quebec released the Quebec Immigration Plan for 2023, the same as the immigration plan for 2022. Quebec plans to welcome up to 52,500 new permanent residents in 2023. Most of these admissions will come through the province’s economic immigration programs, such as the Quebec Skilled Worker Program and the Quebec experience program. The economic category is the predominant proportion of immigrants, representing up to 65% of planned admissions, with a target number of 33,900. In addition, the province will accept as many as 29,500 skilled workers and 4,300 business persons, including investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed persons under this category. In addition, an estimated 18,100 new permanent residents are expected to arrive through refugee resettlement and family reunification programs.

#Quebec, #Quebec_immigration_Plan_2023, #PR, #francophone_immigration

Highly skilled immigrants made Canada G7’s most-educated country

Boasting a higher ratio than any of its G7 counterparts, Canada holds the top spot among countries with the most significant number of university graduates. The G7 nations – France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States all pale in comparison to Canada’s remarkable educational success rate. Canada stood above all other G7 countries, with 57.5% of its population aged 25 to 64 possessing college or university credentials. In comparison, the United States had 50.3%, the United Kingdom maintained 50.1%, France 40.7%, Italy 20.0%, Germany 31.1% and Japan 55.6%.

#G7, #statistics, #Statistics_Canada, #graduates

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