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New Delhi

September 12, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Immigrants to Canada and their children to dominate the Canadian population by 2041

On September 8, 2022, Statistics Canada released the “Canada in 2041: A Larger, More Diverse Population with Greater Differences Between Regions” report, projecting that immigrants and their children will increasingly account for most of Canada’s population by 2041. With the expansion of the Canadian population through immigration, visible minorities—those who are now referred to as the “racialized population” by Statistics Canada–will become increasingly apparent. Up to almost half of all toddlers 14 years old and younger, 49.7%, could be racialized Canadians in 2041, and approximately the same proportion (47.3%) of working-age people in Canada, those aged 15 to 64 years old.

#Statistics_Canada, #population_growth, #racialized_population

Canada approved another 9,000 applications under the CUAET

On September 9, 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) updated the number of Ukrainian newcomers arriving in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET). According to the latest update, between January 1 and September 4, 2022, 13,197 Ukrainians arrived in Canada by land, and an additional 69,511 arrived by air. Between March 17 and September 7, 2022, IRCC received 546,908 applications under the CUAET. The applications of 238,409 Ukrainian nationals have been approved so far.

#Ukrainian_immigrants, #Ukrainian_refugees, #refugees, #CUAET, #Ukraine, #IRCC

IRCC continues to accept more Afghan refugees through the special immigration program

On September 9, 2022, the Government of Canada made a new update regarding the Afghan refugees arriving in the country. According to the last update, Canada has accepted 465 more Afghan refugees since September 6, 2022. As of now, Canada has welcomed a total of 18,540 Afghan refugees. The Government of Canada aimed to bring at least 40,000 Afghan nationals to Canada through special programs for Afghan refugees, as well as via the special immigration program for Afghan nationals who assisted Canadian forces in Afghanistan.

#Afghan_refugees, #refugees, #Afghanistan

Canada invited 1,931 candidates under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From September 5 to September 11, Canada invited 1,931 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of September 9, there are 23,489 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 1 ITA for Andorra, 243 ITAs for Australia, 16 ITAs for Austria, 23 ITAs for Belgium, 2 ITAs for Costa Rica, 5 ITAs for Croatia, 42 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 14 ITAs for Denmark, 1 ITA for Estonia, 228 ITAs for France, 164 ITAs for Germany, 14 ITAs for Greece, 18 ITAs for Hong Kong, 191 ITAs for Ireland, 78 ITAs for Italy, 203 ITAs for Japan, 2 ITAs for Lithuania, 1 ITA for Luxembourg, 26 ITAs for the Netherlands, 64 ITAs for New Zealand, 5 ITAs for Norway, 31 ITAs for Poland, 31 ITAs for Portugal, 3 ITAs for Slovakia, 1 ITA for Slovenia, 86 ITAs for Spain, 13 ITAs for Sweden, 2 ITAs for Switzerland, 3 ITAs for Taiwan, and 420 ITAs for the United Kingdom. In 2022, Canada issued 110,250 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

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