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New Delhi

June 28, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Ottawa approved nearly 10,000 applications of Ukrainian nationals under the CUAET in two weeks

On June 24, 2022, the Government of Canada updated the number of Ukrainian newcomers arriving in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET). According to the latest update, between January 1 and June 19, 2022, 8,366 Ukrainians arrived in Canada by land, and an additional 43,017 arrived by air. Between March 17 and June 22, 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) received 330,829 applications under the CUAET. To date, the applications of 141,694 Ukrainian nationals have been approved.

#Ukrainian_immigrants, #Ukrainian_refugees, #refugees, #CUAET, #Ukraine, #IRCC

Canada may face a wave of American immigrants

Many people in the United States were upset and frightened after the Supreme Court restricted women’s access to abortion, and many considered emigrating. Canada could be a good choice for these individuals as the number of American immigrants in the country has risen dramatically in recent years. The number of Americans who become Canadian permanent residents has increased every year since Trump took office, with the exception of his third year in office. From 2015 to 2018, 7,655 to 10,900 American citizens became permanent residents each year.

#US, #American_Immigrants, #abortion

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a new task force

On June 25, 2022, the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced the formation of a new task force to tackle growing delays in government services such as passports and airport operations. The task force, which includes a group of federal ministers will look for main glitches in these services and offer recommendations to improve them. It will devote special attention to the processing of immigration applications with a specific focus on priority areas where intervention is required. The goal is to develop long- and short-term solutions that eliminate backlogs while also improving service quality and speed.

#Trudeau, #Prime_Minister, #Task_Force

Canada needs more foreign workers to fill the labour market

According to the latest Statistics Canada report, sustainable immigration flows are critical to meet the need for both high- and low-skilled employees in many sectors as businesses recover from the COVID-19 epidemic. In the long run, larger immigration volumes will be required to a certain extent to mitigate the consequences of Canada’s aging population on the job market. In the years preceding the pandemic, immigrants’ employment prospects significantly improved. Temporary foreign workers and international students, both of whom are increasingly transitioning to permanent residency, have become a more important source of labour supply. Although economic success among recent immigrants has increased, significant issues remain with regard to their skill use.

#Statistics_Canada, #foreign_workers, #TFW, #international_students

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