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New Delhi

June 27, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Canada to extend PGWPs to international graduates whose work permits expired

On June 24, 2022, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that the Government will extend post-graduate work permits (PGWP) to international graduates whose permits expired or will expire between September 20th, 2021 and December 31, 2022. He mentioned the contributions of hard-working international graduates and thanked international and post-graduate students who keep choosing Canada. This measure will help fill hundreds of thousands of vacant jobs and tackle the labour shortage issue.

#IRCC, #Fraser, #PGWP, #International_students

IRCC introduced the new updated online processing tool

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) online processing tool was updated to provide accurate information on processing times as part of the Immigration Minister’s plan to modernize the Canadian immigration system, which was announced on March 31, 2022. In addition, IRCC will use this tool to generate new weekly calculations from the preceding six months’ data. IRCC calculates processing time for previous similar applications based on how long it takes to complete them. When IRCC receives the application, processing begins and ends when an immigration officer makes a decision on the application.

#IRCC, #application_Processing_times, #application_processing_tool

Canadian educational institutions help Afghan children to succeed in schools

On June 24, 2022, the Government of Canada announced that Canadian educational institutions have implemented special academic, physical education, and skill programs to assist kids in successfully integrating into their schools. Through this initiative, recently arrived Afghan children receive the help they need to learn, play, and succeed at their new school. As of now, Canada has welcomed a total of 16,270 Afghan refugees via the special immigration program for Afghan nationals who assisted Canadian forces in Afghanistan. Over 3,800 of these refugees are school-aged children.

#Afghan_refugees, #refugees, #Afghanistan, #Afghan_children

British Columbia published the Newcomers’ Guide 2021 edition

On June 23, 2022, the Government of British Columbia introduced the British Columbia Newcomers’ Guide 2021 edition. The guide is in thirteen languages: English, Arabic, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Dari, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Ukrainian. The Newcomers’ Guide is designed to make it easier for new arrivals to settle into the province. Immigrants may discover information about finding a place to live, getting medical care, obtaining government services, studying or working in the province, opening a bank account, or obtaining a driver’s license in the province.

#British_Columbia, #2021_BC_Newcomers_Guide

IRCC issued 2,482 invitations under the International Experience Canada

Over the last week, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held new draws in the pools of International Experience Canada (IEC). From June 20 to June 26, Canada invited 2,482 young foreigners to apply for an IEC open work permit. As of June 24, there are 19,074 candidates registered in the pool, waiting for the invitation. In this round, there were 249 ITAs for Australia, 33 ITAs for Belgium, 42 ITAs for Chile, 23 ITAs for Costa Rica, 3 ITAs for Croatia, 38 ITAs for the Czech Republic, 12 ITAs for Denmark, 1 ITA for Estonia, 955 ITAs for France, 142 ITAs for Germany, 13 ITAs for Greece, 19 ITAs for Hong Kong, 147 ITAs for Ireland, 26 ITAs for Italy, 172 ITAs for Japan, 1 ITA for Latvia, 2 ITAs for Lithuania, 1 ITA for Luxembourg, 21 ITAs for the Netherlands, 77 ITAs for New Zealand, 5 ITAs for Norway, 22 ITAs for Poland, 29 ITAs for Portugal, 68 ITAs for Spain, 22 ITAs for Sweden, 4 ITAs for Switzerland, 4 ITAs for Taiwan, and 312 ITAs for the United Kingdom. Last year, Canada issued 91,204 ITAs under the IEC Program.

#IRCC, #IEC, #ITA, #Working_Holiday, #Young_Professionals, #International_CoOp, #work_permits, #work_in_Canada

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