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New Delhi

May 12, 2022BY VSN Immigration

Canada invited new candidates in the new Express Entry invitation round

On May 11, 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issued 545 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to candidates under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in the new PNP-specific draw. In round #222, the lowest score to get the ITA was 753 points, 19 points fewer compared to the previous round. The tie-breaking rule for this round was December 15, 2021 at 20:32:57 UTC. As of May 9, 2022, there are 206,726 profiles registered in the Express Entry pool, 2,953 more compared to the previous update. In 2022, Canada invited 8,631 candidates to apply for PR in Express Entry.

#Express_Entry, #IRCC, #ITA, #PNP

Ottawa introduced new instructions regarding the processing of pre-removal risk assessment

On May 11, 2022, the Government of Canada published new instructions regarding the processing of pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) applications. The new update provides information on individuals who may be prohibited from applying for a PRRA as a result of a PRRA bar. It also addresses the application of the PRRA bar, exemptions from the PRRA bar, and how to compute the bar. The Government also updated the list of countries whose nationals or former habitual residents have previously been, or are currently, exempt from the PRRA bar.

#PRRA, #pre_removal_risk_assessment

The Federal Government provided charter flights for Ukrainians

On May 11, 2022, the Government of Canada announced its help to Ukrainian nationals to come to Canada. Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that three charter flights will be provided for Ukrainians and their family members. Individuals who have been approved through the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) program will obtain flight tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. The flights will depart from Poland to Winnipeg on May 23, to Montreal on May 29, and to Halifax on June 2, 2022. CUAET visa holders will be contacted by email with information on how to register in the coming days.

#CUAET, #Ukraine, #Charter_Flights, #IRCC, #Fraser

Immigration Minister discussed Canada’s initiatives with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

On May 11, 2022, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), discussed Canada’s plans to welcome visitors fleeing the war in Ukraine as well as in Afghanistan with Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Minister also announced the exemption of biometrics requirements for Ukrainian candidates up to the age of 18, those over the age of 60, and individuals who have a travel history to Canada, while also prioritizing the safety and security of Canadians.

#IRCC, #Fraser, #CUAET, #Ukraine, #Afghanistan, #refugees

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