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New Delhi

September 8, 2021BY VSN Immigration

Canada introduced new guidance to assess applications of Afghan refugees who fled their country

On September 7, 2021, the Government of Canada introduced new guidance to assess resettlement applicants’ applications who are outside their country of nationality or habitual residence. According to the new instructions, officers will consider reasons why an applicant fled their country of nationality or habitual residence, as well as the circumstances when applicants returned to their country. Resettlement applicants are not required to establish residence in another country. These instructions aim to help officers assess applications of resettled Afghan refugees.


#Afghanistan, #refugees, #resettlement_applicants, #Afghans


Ottawa exempted certain visitors in Canada from immigration requirements

On September 7, 2021, the Government of Canada issued a temporary public policy allowing some temporary residents to apply for a work permit in Canada. All foreign nationals in Canada are able to apply for an employer-specific work permit under this public policy, however, only those who previously had a work permit in the last twelve months can request interim authorization to work. The original public policy came into effect on August 24, 2020, and is now, extended until February 28, 2022.


#Visitor_visa, #Work_permit, #temporary_residents, #visitor_status


Saskatchewan still accepts international graduates under the SINP

On September 7, 2021, Saskatchewan updated the number of spots remaining through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) for international graduates in the framework of the temporary immigration policy. The provincial government has allocated 1,000 spots for direct submission of a nomination application for those who resided in the province on September 1, 2020, and has completed an academic program in the province. Since the last week, the province has accepted 49 applications, and 578 spots remain available. SINP updates this data every Monday. Since the launch of the program, SINP has accepted 422 applications from international graduates.


#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #PNP, #international_students, #international_graduates


British Columbia held a new draw in the BCPNP Tech

On September 7, 2021, British Columbia held a new draw in the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Tech Program (BC PNP Tech). In this draw, the province invited 34 candidates in four categories: Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker, Skills Immigration – International Graduate, Express Entry British Columbia – Skilled Worker, and Express Entry British Columbia – International Graduate. The lowest score in all categories traditionally was 80 points. In 2021, British Columbia invited 1,314 candidates to apply for a provincial nomination in the BCPNP Tech. In total, BCPNP issued 8,127 ITAs to date.


#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #Tech_Pilot, #PNP, #BCPNP_Tech


The Green Party of Canada promised to ease immigration

The Green Party of Canada released an election platform where the Party promised to bring more skilled workers, better family reunification strategies, and address racism and inequalities within the existing systems. If elected, the Canadian Greens will update the citizenship guidebook, terminate the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States, remove the visa requirement for most parents visiting children in Canada, address xenophobia, reduce barriers, and waive immigration fees for people below a certain income. The Green Government also promised to ease the permanent residency pathway for essential workers, and improve conditions for refugees and asylum seekers.


#The_Green_Party, #Green_Party, #The_Greens, #election

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