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New Delhi

August 19, 2021BY VSN Immigration

Canada invited 463 provincial nominees in the Express Entry draw #201

On August 18, 2021, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted a new Express Entry draw. Draw #201 targeted candidates under the Provincial Nominee Program. IRCC invited 463 provincial candidates, and the cut-off score in this round was 751 points, 9 points less compared to the previous PNP-specific draw that occurred on August 4. The tie-breaking rule for this round was April 13, 2021, at 16:29:29 UTC. As of August 16, 2021, there are 170,836 profiles registered in the pool, 1,331 more compared to the previous update. In total, Canada issued 102,779 ITAs to foreign nationals through Express Entry in 2021.

#Express_Entry, #IRCC, #ITA, #PNP

Ontario invited candidates in the Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams

On August 18, 2021, Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) issued invitations to apply (ITAs) for the Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams. The province issued 402 ITAs to the eligible candidates under the Masters Graduate Stream. The minimum score of this round was 39. Ontario also invited 77 candidates under the PhD Graduate Stream. The minimum score for this draw was 17. In 2020, the province has not invited any candidates under these two streams. In 2019, OINP invited only 1,000 candidates of the Masters Graduate Stream.

#Ontario, #OINP, #PNP, #Employer_Job_Offer, #international_students, #Occupations_in_demand, #skilled_workers, #Masters_graduates, #PhD_graduates

The Conservative Party of Canada introduced Canada’s recovery plan

Canada’s Conservative Party introduced a detailed plan to secure the country’s recovery from the pandemic. The plan also illustrates how the party is going to strengthen the immigration system. Canada’s Conservatives want to implement important solutions to the key challenges of Canada’s immigration system by welcoming the best and brightest from around the world to fill critical gaps and robustly grow the economy and offering refuge to heroic human rights defenders who would enrich the country’s national life. The party also promised to ‘fix’ the visitor visa system, strengthen Canadian families and unite them with their loved ones and expand the super visa program for up to five years.

#Conservatives, #Conservative_Party, #Canadas_recovery_plan

New Brunswick launched a new pilot program for international graduates of private career colleges

On August 18, 2021, New Brunswick announced a new immigration stream for international graduates of private career colleges to help support the province’s increasing labour needs. Starting April 1, 2022, international students who graduate from one of four New Brunswick private career colleges, and who have studied in one of nineteen selected occupations, will be able to apply to the Provincial Nominee Program, and work and live in the province while they wait for permanent residency. The eligible institutions are Atlantic Business College, Eastern College, McKenzie College, and Oulton College.

#New_Brunswick, #private_career_colleges, #International_students, #international_graduates


Thunder Bay held a new round of recommendations in the RNIP

On August 18, 2021, Thunder Bay, ON, issued new community recommendations in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP). The city approved applications of 17 candidates –14 candidates in the NOC B skills level, 3 candidates in the NOC C skills level and 3 candidates in the NOC D skills level. Candidates who received a community recommendation can submit their applications for permanent residence in Canada to Immigration Canada (IRCC). In total, the community already recommended 69 candidates in 2021 and still has 81 spots available.

#Thunder_Bay, #RNIP, #Ontario, #community_recommendation, #rural_immigration

Accompagnement Quebec is offered to sponsored refugees

On August 18, 2021, the Ministere de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Integration (MIFI) published that the province this week will offer sponsored refugees Accompagnement Québec, the free and personalized service to facilitate their integration in the province. This will help MIFI ensure that sponsors provide refugees with settlement and integration services. Sponsored refugees can get registered for Accompagnement Quebec with the help of their sponsor on Arrima. Sponsored refugees whose sponsorship period has ended can also register with Accompagnement Québec, and benefit from the services.

#MIFI, #Quebec, #refugees, #Accompagnement_Quebec

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