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New Delhi

May 13, 2021BY VSN Immigration

Canada invited 557 provincial nominees in the Express Entry draw #186

On May 12, 2021, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted a new Express Entry invitation round. In draw #186, IRCC invited candidates under the Provincial Nominee Program. IRCC issued Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to 557 provincial candidates, and the lowest score in this draw was 752 points, 35 points more than in the previous PNP-specific draw. The tie-breaking rule for this round April 29, 2021 at 10:18:12 UTC. As of May 10, 2021, there were 167,581 profiles in the system, 422 more compared to the previous update. In total, Canada invited 62,328 candidates to apply for permanent residence through Express Entry in 2021.

#Express_Entry, #IRCC, #ITA, #PNP

Manitoba nominated 734 candidates in April 2021

On May 12, 2021, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) published new nomination issuance statistics. In April 2021, the province nominated 734 skilled workers and approved 4 business concepts. Manitoba also refused 1 profile of skilled workers. MPNP invited 1,009 skilled workers, 7 business concepts and sent LAAs to 2 business candidates. In April, MPNP received 469 applications from skilled workers and 3 applications from business candidates. Currently, the province is assessing 694 applications, and the other 481 applications are pending assessment. Additionally, Manitoba nominated 14 Express Entry candidates. In total, MPNP nominated 1097 foreign nationals, including 33 nominees from Express Entry in 2021.

#Manitoba, #MPNP, #Skilled_workers, #business_immigration, #PNP, #nomination_certificates

Minister Mendicino highlighted immigration investments from Budget 2021

On May 12, 2021, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Marco Mendicino highlighted immigration investments from Budget 2021 in the meeting with the Canadian Club of Ottawa. Immigrants create jobs, help to drive economic growth, and play an important role in Canada’s economic recovery. Through these investments, Canada will draw more highly skilled people and international students to Canada and develop an immigration system that will help to welcome new Canadians more easily. Budget 2021 will contribute to improvements of a modern immigration processing platform, as well as enhance capacity and service standards within the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Client Support Centre and will support racialized newcomer women.

#Budget_2021, #IRCC

Canada will update citizenship materials for prospective citizens

This year Canada will introduce a new version of the Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship study guide. The current guide was created in 2009 and lightly updated in 2012. The guide provides newcomers with Canada’s history, culture, and ethics in advance of the citizenship test they must pass to become Canadians. The guide has been criticized for its many misrepresentations about Canada and was significantly outdated. The new guide will focus on three themes: relationships, opportunity, and commitment, according to Cohen, press secretary to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Marco Mendocino. It will also include ‘more information about a wide variety of historically underrepresented groups, like francophones, women, Black Canadians, the LGBTQ2 community and Canadians with disabilities,’ and will ‘help new Canadians get a sense of Canada’s long history and their role in shaping our shared future.’

#citizenship, #immigration_policy, #citizenship_oath #citizenship_test